Ignoring social media is like the early nineties secretaries who refused to enroll for computer classes saying that computers would never see the daylight while offices will never operate without typewriters.
Anyone who’s had just a passing experience or two with social media engines like Facebook and Twitter could pretty fairly conclude it’s a big swamp they don’t need to wade into. BUT, there’s strong reason to start heading in. The waters get clearer over time and the value grows more evident.
This sector is a community of common interests and concerns, and technology is enabling companies to build industry awareness and relationships, distribute information and solicit feedback rapidly, and at no real cost other than time.For instance Tahidi High,the local production on Citizen TV has over 58,000 members on its group.
If you think Facebook is for birthday photos and seeing what your high school buddies are up to, you’re right. But many, many, many major brands have strong Facebook fan sections set up with hundreds of thousands or even millions of people hooked in to them. It’s a forum to talk to customers, distribute information like videos and product launches, promote events, promote your people, and do recruiting. And a lot of other things.Look at Google Chrome the new product launched by Google a few months ago, I was surprised there group on Facebook has slightly below two million comments from users across the country.
With Twitter, a little knowledge and the right tools allow you to fine-tune the “stream” of content to your interest area. I use it to flag interesting articles I’ve read online, and read things that people I follow and respect say are worth my time. I know people who follow others for industry intel.
In other words, social is not going away, and if you’re not using it, you need to start.
But have a strategy and rules going in. I’ve seen a few corporate accounts run by junior staff, who think nothing of blending their personal lives into the messages. That can go sideways on you.
I hope this article will make our employees to view social media positively...
I second that Allan...........We need to embrace social media it should not look like it is a time waster....
I just had along conversation with my boss this morning and explained to him how as an organisation we can make use of facebook instead of blocking our youthful employees from accessing it.Ours is a snacks company and we would like use Facebook to promote our brands.Mr Barasacan you advise?
@Allan and Brian..Am glad to know that we are on the same page.
@ Njenga kindly drop me an email with your contact details and for sure I will advise on how you can get your organisation into facebook and drive traffic to your page.
I think some of the bosses shy from the social Media. But thanks for a good article.
Great stuff there. Yes, we cannot beat or ignore social media. Important: for corporate PR, a lot more thought needs to be done before experimenting with social media.
Great article. You know what was on TIME Magazine of 31 May 2010? 1,295 pictures of people on TIME's Facebook group. Facebook has over 500 million people and the article says if it (Facebook) was a country, it would be the world's third largest. The article is a brilliant case study of the world's most successful social media. In my opinion I think Africa is slow in embracing social media - I am tempted to say social media is seen as something for the youth - especially after the Makmende fad (by the way where did he go?). I am sure companies, products and service providers will pick it up. The wise ones are already using it.
Carole Kimutai
Journalist - Nairobi Kenya
@ Carol This is what you call and insightful comment...Facebook is the third largest republic in the world.I would want to blame Africans for not embracing social media quickly.Reason being out ICT expansion plan is also going at a snails pace.For instance how many people are accessing the internet and at what cost?
You are so on point my guy..
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